In general it is recommended that children see an orthodontist at the age of 7. Some patients may require an initial phase of orthodontic treatment at that time, while for others it can be suggested to delay. They may be recommended two phases of care to achieve the best results.
What is phase 1 treatment?
Phase 1 treatment, also referred to as the treatment of initial intereps, began before all permanent teeth had entered. This treatment phase will usually be recommended to provide space for non-entry teeth, to help in the density problem if the jaw is considered too small and to improve severe malocclusion.
Early care goals are to help the jaw accommodate all permanent teeth. When children grow, parents can pay attention to problems with their jaw growth or how their teeth come in. Because they still experience jaw growth, younger children can benefit greatly from orthodontic care.
Phase 1 maintenance will usually begin between ages 7 and 10, and it is recommended to prevent orthodontic problems that have been formed from worsening over time. Early care can help relieve severe problems, if left unchecked at an early age, can require serious care such as the jaw surgery in the future.
The purpose of phase 1 treatment is always to assign patients to the most successful when they grow. A orthodontist will be able to help the jaw grow well to accommodate permanent teeth that have not erupted.
There are several benefits for early care. The first prevents more serious care on the road. If, for example, when a child grows, their jaws don’t grow to accommodate the incoming permanent teeth, severe crowding can occur. It can mean patients may need to have permanent teeth drawn to make space in their mouth, or they may need jaw surgery to align the jaw properly.
Phase 1 treatment will involve the use of partial braces, followers or other equipment to move teeth and / or jaw to new positions to accommodate permanent dental eruptions or jaw growth.
Rest period
Among the two treatment phases it will be what is known as the break period. During this time, the remaining permanent teeth will enter. Some patients may be asked to wear retainers during this period, while others may not reduce the risk of retainer which blocks the eruption. If the first phase of treatment is successful, enough space should be made to allow plenty of space for additional permanent teeth.
It is important to note that at the end of the first phase of treatment, teeth are not in their final position. After the second treatment phase starts, the right location of all permanent teeth will be determined. During this period of rest, patients need to have a regular appointment with their doctor so that he can monitor the growth of the jaw and the remaining permanent teeth eruption.
Phase 2 treatment starts
After all permanent teeth the patient comes, orthodontists will start the second phase of treatment. This treatment will usually involve a set of full braces that will be subject to an average of 12-30 months. Permanent teeth will be moved to the desired location using standard metal braces, or advanced technology from teeth that are not visible to create a beautiful and more straight smile. This will then result in a healthy bites and overall oral health that are better for patients.
The length of the phase 2 treatment depends on the patient. Some patient teeth respond to movement faster than others. During treatment, patients will regularly make an appointment to monitor the movement.
Some patients can only require one phase of treatment, which will occur so all their permanent teeth erupt. No matter the recommended action, it is important to follow all the suggestions as referred to as Orthodontists. Not only O.